
Coffin Grant Recipients

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Lifetime Achievement Award Recipients

David R. Coffin Publication Grant for 2009

The Foundation for Landscape Studies is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2009 David R. Coffin Publication Grant, which is given for the purpose of research and publication of a book that advances scholarship in the field of garden history and landscape studies.

Lawrence Halprin
A Life Spent Changing Places: An Autobiography

Publisher: University of Pennsylvania Press

This book is an autobiography by one of the world’s leading landscape architects, environmental planners, and urban design innovators.

John Dixon Hunt
The Venetian City Garden: Place, Typology, and Perception

Publisher: Birkhäuser

This book is a history of the Venetian garden as a representation of the city’s unique cultural and environmental conditions.

Judith K. Major
The Evolution of a Landscape Critic: Mariana Griswold Van Rensselaer

Publisher: University of Virginia Press

This book is the first full-length study of the artist, architect, critic, historian, and journalist Mariana Griswold Van Rensselaer’s writings on landscape gardening.

Janet Mendelsohn and Christopher Wilson, Editors
My Kind of American Landscape: J. B. Jackson Speaks

Publisher: Center for American Places

This publication is made up of a DVD documentary, a book of essays, and a portfolio of images. It provides a composite portrait of the teachings, writings, drawings, and photographs of the cultural geographer John Brinckerhoff Jackson.