Sponsored Books
- Garden At Monceau
- Briefe eines Verstorbenen (Letters of a Dead Man)
- Andeutungen über Landschaftsgärtnerei (Hints on Landscape Gardening)
- City of the Soul: Rome and the Romantics
- Romantic Gardens: Nature, Art, and Landscape Design
- Writing the Garden: A Literary Conversation Across Two Centuries
- Learning Las Vegas: Portrait of a Northern New Mexican Place
Recommended Books
- Henry David Thoreau: A Life by Laura Dassow Walls
- A Political Imperative
- Afton Villa Book
- Celebration of the publication of A Natural History of English Gardening 1650-1800 by Mark Laird
Book Reviews
- Spying on the South: An Odyssey Across the American Divide
- American Eden: David Hosack, Botany, and Medicine in the Garden of the Early Republic
- National Park Roads: A Legacy in the American Landscape
- Pückler Letters
- Top Ten Garden Books of 2013: Writing the Garden
- Mariana Griswold Van Rensselaer

The Foundation for Landscape Studies has served as a co-sponsor of the publication of seven books. Two of these serve as in-depth essays and catalogue entries for exhibitions at the Morgan Library and Museum; three are translations with facsimile plates of important rare books; one is an anthology of literary excerpts from the writings of dedicated everyday gardeners, botanically passionate plant hunters, observant travelers, instructive designers, anecdotally adept storytellers; and one is a work of cultural geography that focuses on the fascinating history and ongoing life of a languishing once-prosperous small city in northern New Mexico. In addition, the Foundation has commissioned online book reviews and articles and offered recommendations of notable recently published books on nature, the environment, and garden history.