Coffin Grant Recipients
Jackson Prize Recipients
Place Maker Award Recipients
Place Keeper Award Recipients
Lifetime Achievement Award Recipients

The John Brinckerhoff Jackson Book Prize is awarded to the author of a book published within the past three years on a subject pertaining to landscape studies. There are no restrictions with regard to period, topic, or author's nationality. All awards are made by a jury composed of members of the board of directors of the Foundation for Landscape Studies and such non-board members as they may wish to appoint. Only books based on original research and those that break new ground in method or interpretation will be considered. The purpose of this prize is to reward contributors to the intellectual vitality of garden history and landscape studies. The jury considers each submission on the basis of its success in expanding the field to new areas or increasing knowledge within an existing branch of the discipline. It seeks to support authors with an ability to write for a general readership as well as for a scholarly audience.
Books published on a landscape-related subject during a two-year period ending in the current calendar year are eligible for consideration by the Awards Committee.
Application Procedures
Publishers must send books to each of the appointed jury members before January 1 of the current calendar year. A cover letter should include a complete mailing address, phone number, and email address of the author(s). To request the mailing addresses for the jury, please click here.