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Lifetime Achievement Award Recipients

Lifetime Achievement Award for 2010
John Dixon Hunt
The Foundation for Landscape Studies recognizes the significant contribution of John Dixon Hunt, professor emeritus, University of Pennsylvania, to the development of the field of landscape and garden history over the past forty years. As a teacher, scholar, and editor, Professor Hunt has defined, energized, and organized this relatively new academic discipline through his own publications and through his support of the work of students and colleagues. He has written numerous books and articles on Italian, Dutch, French, English, and modernist gardens and on the use of poetics and reception theory within the context of landscape studies.
According to Professor Hunt, he seeks to articulate the theoretical basis of gardening and to formulate a philosophy through which we can understand its psychological and spiritual roots. In 1981 he founded the international quarterly Journal of Garden History (now published as Studies in the History of Gardens & Designed Landscapes).
During his tenure from 1988 to 1991 as director of the program in Garden and Landscape at Dumbarton Oaks, Harvard University, he oversaw symposia and published the volumes in the series containing speakersâ papers delivered at annual Dumbarton Oaks landscape history colloquiums. In 1998, while serving as the chairman of the University of Pennsylvaniaâs Department of Landscape Architecture, he initiated the publication of the Penn Studies in Landscape Architecture, a book series devoted to the highest standard of landscape-history scholarship.