Coffin Grant Recipients
Jackson Prize Recipients
Place Maker Award Recipients
Place Keeper Award Recipients
Lifetime Achievement Award Recipients

2013 Place Keeper Award
Antonia Adezio
In 1989 visionary gardener Frank Cabot asked Antonia Adezio to join him in founding the Garden Conservancy, an organization that would identify exceptional American gardens and find ways to save them for public education and enjoyment. She became its first executive director and subsequently its president, serving as the head of the organization for twenty-three years. During this time she helped perpetuate the artistic vision of the creators of dozens of major gardens across America, including five that have been declared National Historic Landmarks and seventeen that are listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
In 1995 Adezio inaugurated the Garden Conservancy’s national Open Days program, making possible public visits to private gardens. Subsequently she was instrumental in forming a partnership between the Garden Conservancy, the National Park Service, and the Golden Gate Conservancy to spearhead the restoration of the historic gardens on Alcatraz Island in San Francisco Bay (see Site/Lines Fall 2012 issue). With Frank Cabot (winner of the 2011 Foundation for Landscape Studies Lifetime Achievement Award) and the staff and volunteers of the conservancy, she has also worked to gain public and private support for the gardens of such innovative place makers as Pearl Fryar, John Fairey, and FLS 2009 Place Maker Henriette Suhr. To learn more about the Garden Conservancy, go to